When is a Door Not a Door?

Riddle Me This

Cody Perakslis
1 min readDec 13, 2020
Image by Arek Socha from Pixabay

A door is as a door does. A door is control.

Imagine a door. What do you see? Is it wood? Is it automatic? Is there glass? Is it in front of a house? Is it alone in a meadow (for some reason)?

Doors come in different sizes, colors, and even shapes. But all doors serve to do the same thing. Doors direct and limit movement.

Without a door, all access is equal and violent. Any movement must be won through the walls, irrevocably. This movement is chaos.

With a door, there is a focus. A door promises a way if you are privileged with access. And that is what control amounts to, privilege.

A door grants those privileged to control ingress, and in extreme cases, with egress.

Down with the privilege. Down with the system of control keeping us out. Down with the doors.

When is a door not a door? When it is ajar.



Cody Perakslis

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